When considering tours, there are a few things you should know.

You could plan tours etc. for your clients on your own but are you sure they won’t simply be getting stuck in tourist traps and missing out on the hidden side of Kyoto?

And if you chose another company, are you sure there won’t be any communication problems or you end up feeling disappointed because their guides are simply reeling off dates and facts from a pamphlet? 

I’m a native English speaker and fluent in Japanese, so rest assured there won’t be any communication problems. I help you connect your clients to off-the-beaten-track places difficult to find on their own.  


Private Kyoto Tour with a Kyoto Insider

Private Kyoto Tours

Go beyond the touristy stuff; connect with the local side of Kyoto on Private Tours

get local Kyoto tour

Evening Local Kyoto Tour

Discover Local Kyoto: Local temples, restaurants and more on a small group tour

Early Evening Local Kyoto Tour

¥ 35,000∙245
00 US
**USD is rough estimate
  • Early evening private tour (max. 4) to experience local Kyoto

Half-day Private Tour

¥ 40,000∙267
00 USD
**USD is rough estimate
  • See the highlights and discover a few hidden gems along the way

Private Day Tour

¥ 80,000∙535
00 US
**USD is rough estimate
  • See the highlights and discover a few hidden gems along the way

Certificate of Excellence 2018
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ rating on TripAdvisor